Friday, October 8, 2010

The Power Of Words

For those of us who know the ten commandments, there is one that says, "Do not kill". Three words that make a great commandment. Some of us will say, words cannot hurt me, we mention tangible things like stones as the only things that can hurt us, but is that so? No, words can hurt and yes, words can kill! Think of this line, "I am so stupid, I can not do anything right!" and look at this words, "I did not get it right this time but I can do better next time." The first expression communicates exhaustion and surrender while the second communicates hope and hope, lights all the other candles to yield success. Words build psychological connections, they influence how we think and thus, determine our actions. The sum total of all that is that, there is a connection between words and the results we get!

The Power of Our Words: Teacher Language that Helps Children Learn

The words that you communicate create an impression of who you are to the people. They can either work for you or work against you. When people learn that you are tilted to the negative and your communication proves this, they will tend to avoid you. When you harness your word power to communicate determination and motivation, people will natural swarm around you. Words though simple can either build you or destroy you, be gentle with yourself and you will be able to be gentle with others.Want better results, check your words. Today, tell yourself that you are great, tell yourself that you are beautiful and tell yourself that you can do well and I promise you, if you believe in your own words, you will be walking on the path to excellence.

Where you stand determines what you communicate!!!

The Power of Words

It Is Now Or Never

As a young person growing up under the bosom of my sweet mother, I remember hearing her say to me, "You know, you have to learn to do things now, it is either now or never!" I used to wonder why she always insisted, why she could malignantly force me into something that I could as well do tomorrow. Now, am a young adult, I look back and I wonder, why could I not see it then? It is so clear to me now, time is a precious gift, you cannot keep it with you, you have to consume it and it has to consume you in order to yield any good.

Most of the times, you will ask people why they do not do what you know they can do and they will say, " I really don't have time, money or I have too many responsibilities" This is just and excuse, time cannot just come, we need to create time in order to get time for whatever we want to do. Time wasted cannot be brought back and that is why, we need to use time wisely to do constructive things. This way, you will not turn back and use that famous quote, "If only I could turn the hands of time, then..." this is one phrase that means regret and when people begin to regret, it means they have grown old! If you can draw, write poetry or paint, do it now when you still have time. Even if you do it for just 15min everyday! Students like me, do not wait till a week to exam to begin reading, start now, today coz tomorrow will never come!

Today is a present, use it wisely!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Get up and move!

Mathematics was not my best subject for the better part of my school life. I used to wonder why it was so hard for me while other students used to make distinctions in the same. We had the same teacher, the same number of hours in class and even, the same exam! For several years, I grumbled about my sorry state until someone said this to me, "Success is not the spontaneous combustion , you must set yourself on fire!" I had to leave my comfort zone, ask quality questions and in return quality answers. You do not expect to sit and succeed...Somehow, I managed to open up on my worst fear and get help. I never made a distinction but I sure made a credit! Success is a journey, not a destination. 
It is not what you get that makes you successful,  rather, it is what you are continuing to do with what you have that measures your success. 

 Dr. Gonye in his book, Hey! Do Nothing Be Nothing quotes Louis L’ Amour as quoted saying, “Victory is won not in miles but inches. Win a little now, hold your ground and later win a lot more.” Never be discouraged when you make progress no matter how slow or small. Excellence starts with those small steps we make. You should be weary of standing still- small steps are big ideas. Excellence always starts somewhere. “It’s always the gradual steps. “It’s always the little things we do that count” says Dr. Gonye.
You have infinite riches within your reach. To gain them all, you have to do is open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. (Dr. Joseph Murphy).
A magnetized piece of iron will lift about twelve times its own weight, but if you demagnetize this same piece of iron, it will not lift even a feather.

In the same way, there are two types of people. Those who are magnetized are full of confidence and faith. They know they are born to succeed and to win. So many others are demagnetized. They are full of fears and doubts. When an opportunity comes, they say “what if I fail? I might lose my money. People will laugh at me.” People of this sort will not get very far in life. Their fear to go forward makes them simply stay where they are.
You can become a magnetized person when you discover to use the master secret of the ages, "If you win or lose and still go on, then you own something more than success or failure, you keep your own soul!"

Friday, October 1, 2010

Three strands to success

All my life, I had not boarded a plane till a forth night ago. I was amazed at how fast this thing can move, a 10hr journey by road only took us 3hours! But then, one thought crossed my mind on this intriguing experience of mine, who came up with this thought of flying? I had to check on the internet because history has not been part of my intrigues, I just had to know whose idea it was! If you know of the two Wright brothers and their sister Katherine. This three minds thought of a higher calling to make life a better place for themselves and for others. Now, back to the Three strands of success, I will use my little story to depict each of the three aspects that I call strands.

  • Excellence 
  • Leadership and 
  • Inclusiveness
The three form the path to success if put into perspective in our day to day life. Why are we alive in the first place? To eat, sleep, regret and push on the wheel of life? Think of this, before the Wright brothers and sister thought of exploring gravity in a different manner, people existed who had no idea there was something missing in this world, who ate and slept wondering why there was nothing to be done! To excel, we have to identify the frontiers of impossibility and next, explore them and see if we can provide an answer. The world we live in has several frontiers of impossibility that desperately need our engagement, quit being sorry for yourself and grab the opportunity of making life a better place! How do you get answers then? By asking constructive and relevant questions, studying, exploring, discovering, pushing against the standards of impossibilities, then, all this become your standard of excellence!

The other strand of success is that of Leadership. This too is an important aspect of life. Leadership entails that we form a basis to be heard, to make others look up to you. The people and the world we live in desperately needs answers which if you take position, you will be able to answer by asking quality questions.Leadership forms the criterion for your future and that of others.

Finally, there is that strand of Community, what can also be referred to Inclusiveness or at the least, Tolerance. This is the hardest and most tasking to achieve. It requires more effort, preparation,study and flexibility. Some will give up on this final but most important strand. However, one thing to note is that, the payoff or whatever this yields is of great quality, Synergy- The final output is greater than each individual work combined! Remember, the Frontiers of Impossibilities can only be tackled by sharing our own unique perspectives and experiences with others!

Finally my friends, as you always know, I have not fully attained my level of success. This, gives me the basis to talk to you to help me and to help each other get through this life winners. To conclude my research, wanna use my mothers own words when mentoring me to be successful, she told me, "Always aim at the sky, that way, you will not arrive too soon, you will always find a reason to get your feet off the ground.'" In other words, never say you  got your comfort zone, always aim high and that way, you will go far!

Get moving, you might not be able to run, but surely you will be moving! If ever you feel tired, discouraged or just plain disgusted with the whole issue of life, don't worry, its normal. However, remind yourself of the bridges you have already passed, the steeps you have climbed and the streams you have already passed. Do not let anyone tell you that you cannot do it, set your own aspirations and work to achieve them. Let your goal be, to make a positive change small or large in this world and in your own life.

When you understand success as the state of the mind and not an outcome, any moment can be victory....

Strive for Excellence

...yes, Strive for Excellence and you will be glad you did!
I remember in my early days when I was still a child, I was in a class with one talented kid, she was so good in depicting certain things in drawing. I was amazed that at 8, she was so good in this art. She could look at something and draw it almost to perfection! However, one thing was an issue with this talented soul, she would keep her drawings and no one got to see them, I could only get a glance because we shared a desk. I tried to talk her into letting her drawings be seen but she could always say that she was not that good! I wondered what she used to gauge her excellence on this matter if no one had seen her work yet. I was fortunate to study in the same class with her till the eight grade or standard eight. I never saw her draw again!
What happened to that talent?

To be excellent, we need to identify whatever our talent is. We need to realize that whatever God has gifted us with is not meant as an impediment but something to compliment our life. This talent is not meant to be kept but to be explored and not only explored but nurtured to perfection. When nurtured to perfection, we become excellent and this becomes an eternal friend to encourage and support us. Before this unfolds, we have to set it free, to let it wander and be ready to be tuned!

But then remember that, to succeed you have to know yourself, when you know yourself, you can then help others to succeed by encouraging or mentoring them.This way, Excellence is then achieved at all levels. Most of us fail not because we can not do it but because we believe we can never do it, we look at others and compare them to us, we make it look like that we are the victims and life is unfair to us. Another group of us is the one that actually get into doing something but decide on a comfort zone which we cannot surpass, we believe that excellence is a destination and we forget that it is a journey just as life is a journey!

If you win or lose and your still keep going, then excellence is indeed your portion. Successful people are those who surpassed the point of average and walked on to excellence!

Lets Talk About Excellence

There is a time when I sit and I tell myself, "Am not good at anything!" Why? Coz nothing ever seems to work out for me, I can't seem to get it right! When finally I get something right, I can't seem to be good enough! That is when all the world seems to be on my shoulders and all that I wanna do is die and forget all my struggles. What keeps me going, the hope that tomorrow I will get it right, that others will look up to me, that I will be of help to other people who have issues like myself, try to make them see that they can get to where they want to as long as they hold in there! What is and what is not excellence?

  • One thing that people misinterpret about excellence is that it is a destination. Excellence is not really a place you get to and say that you are there, there is always another level.
  • Excellence is not an event that occurs and you realize that there it is! Excellence is a journey, you have to keep on moving, to achieve the next level.
  • Excellence is a process!

If it is a process, how then do you achieve it? Some will ask. Considering that I have not yet achieved it, I will just give a few ideas that will help both of us to achieve our goal!

Identify that which you already have, that which you are good in, that which God has given you, package it, produce it and make it even better. This is the starting point! One great motivational speaker once challenged me and I challenge you now, "Refuse to be average!" We should move from the land of being tolerable and mediocre class and move on to productivity. Wait a minute! Why do we choose to live average lives? The answer is, we alive too soon! We tend to forget that life in itself is a journey and not a destination. Excellence begins with a decent lifestyle, this, transforms into a system by which we live our lives.

Note that, excellence is the key to a disciplined lifestyle. It demands that we keep growing  and involving in something better and seize arriving to soon. Take this from me, your life will change as soon as you rise up and stop feeling sorry for yourself and become your own employer!

Is there a time when you feel like you are down in the valley, suffocated and alone in this world? I do feel so sometimes too! However, when you are in that valley, remind yourself of what you live for, that which kept you holding on. Quit  mumbling, grumbling and complaining, check God's promises and tell the devil that he cannot but you sown at all.

Oops, and one more thing, do not use your background as an excuse to be average in life. A time has come to say enough is enough and refuse to die average! Dream and fly - God's provision will keep you afloat. Whether excellence dictates that you move away from the people who care about you, the people you care about, tell yourself that it might be God's plan to move you so you walk in the path to your destiny!

Where you stand determines what you communicate!