Friday, October 8, 2010

It Is Now Or Never

As a young person growing up under the bosom of my sweet mother, I remember hearing her say to me, "You know, you have to learn to do things now, it is either now or never!" I used to wonder why she always insisted, why she could malignantly force me into something that I could as well do tomorrow. Now, am a young adult, I look back and I wonder, why could I not see it then? It is so clear to me now, time is a precious gift, you cannot keep it with you, you have to consume it and it has to consume you in order to yield any good.

Most of the times, you will ask people why they do not do what you know they can do and they will say, " I really don't have time, money or I have too many responsibilities" This is just and excuse, time cannot just come, we need to create time in order to get time for whatever we want to do. Time wasted cannot be brought back and that is why, we need to use time wisely to do constructive things. This way, you will not turn back and use that famous quote, "If only I could turn the hands of time, then..." this is one phrase that means regret and when people begin to regret, it means they have grown old! If you can draw, write poetry or paint, do it now when you still have time. Even if you do it for just 15min everyday! Students like me, do not wait till a week to exam to begin reading, start now, today coz tomorrow will never come!

Today is a present, use it wisely!!!

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