Friday, October 1, 2010

Lets Talk About Excellence

There is a time when I sit and I tell myself, "Am not good at anything!" Why? Coz nothing ever seems to work out for me, I can't seem to get it right! When finally I get something right, I can't seem to be good enough! That is when all the world seems to be on my shoulders and all that I wanna do is die and forget all my struggles. What keeps me going, the hope that tomorrow I will get it right, that others will look up to me, that I will be of help to other people who have issues like myself, try to make them see that they can get to where they want to as long as they hold in there! What is and what is not excellence?

  • One thing that people misinterpret about excellence is that it is a destination. Excellence is not really a place you get to and say that you are there, there is always another level.
  • Excellence is not an event that occurs and you realize that there it is! Excellence is a journey, you have to keep on moving, to achieve the next level.
  • Excellence is a process!

If it is a process, how then do you achieve it? Some will ask. Considering that I have not yet achieved it, I will just give a few ideas that will help both of us to achieve our goal!

Identify that which you already have, that which you are good in, that which God has given you, package it, produce it and make it even better. This is the starting point! One great motivational speaker once challenged me and I challenge you now, "Refuse to be average!" We should move from the land of being tolerable and mediocre class and move on to productivity. Wait a minute! Why do we choose to live average lives? The answer is, we alive too soon! We tend to forget that life in itself is a journey and not a destination. Excellence begins with a decent lifestyle, this, transforms into a system by which we live our lives.

Note that, excellence is the key to a disciplined lifestyle. It demands that we keep growing  and involving in something better and seize arriving to soon. Take this from me, your life will change as soon as you rise up and stop feeling sorry for yourself and become your own employer!

Is there a time when you feel like you are down in the valley, suffocated and alone in this world? I do feel so sometimes too! However, when you are in that valley, remind yourself of what you live for, that which kept you holding on. Quit  mumbling, grumbling and complaining, check God's promises and tell the devil that he cannot but you sown at all.

Oops, and one more thing, do not use your background as an excuse to be average in life. A time has come to say enough is enough and refuse to die average! Dream and fly - God's provision will keep you afloat. Whether excellence dictates that you move away from the people who care about you, the people you care about, tell yourself that it might be God's plan to move you so you walk in the path to your destiny!

Where you stand determines what you communicate!

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