Friday, October 8, 2010

The Power Of Words

For those of us who know the ten commandments, there is one that says, "Do not kill". Three words that make a great commandment. Some of us will say, words cannot hurt me, we mention tangible things like stones as the only things that can hurt us, but is that so? No, words can hurt and yes, words can kill! Think of this line, "I am so stupid, I can not do anything right!" and look at this words, "I did not get it right this time but I can do better next time." The first expression communicates exhaustion and surrender while the second communicates hope and hope, lights all the other candles to yield success. Words build psychological connections, they influence how we think and thus, determine our actions. The sum total of all that is that, there is a connection between words and the results we get!

The Power of Our Words: Teacher Language that Helps Children Learn

The words that you communicate create an impression of who you are to the people. They can either work for you or work against you. When people learn that you are tilted to the negative and your communication proves this, they will tend to avoid you. When you harness your word power to communicate determination and motivation, people will natural swarm around you. Words though simple can either build you or destroy you, be gentle with yourself and you will be able to be gentle with others.Want better results, check your words. Today, tell yourself that you are great, tell yourself that you are beautiful and tell yourself that you can do well and I promise you, if you believe in your own words, you will be walking on the path to excellence.

Where you stand determines what you communicate!!!

The Power of Words

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