Saturday, October 2, 2010

Get up and move!

Mathematics was not my best subject for the better part of my school life. I used to wonder why it was so hard for me while other students used to make distinctions in the same. We had the same teacher, the same number of hours in class and even, the same exam! For several years, I grumbled about my sorry state until someone said this to me, "Success is not the spontaneous combustion , you must set yourself on fire!" I had to leave my comfort zone, ask quality questions and in return quality answers. You do not expect to sit and succeed...Somehow, I managed to open up on my worst fear and get help. I never made a distinction but I sure made a credit! Success is a journey, not a destination. 
It is not what you get that makes you successful,  rather, it is what you are continuing to do with what you have that measures your success. 

 Dr. Gonye in his book, Hey! Do Nothing Be Nothing quotes Louis L’ Amour as quoted saying, “Victory is won not in miles but inches. Win a little now, hold your ground and later win a lot more.” Never be discouraged when you make progress no matter how slow or small. Excellence starts with those small steps we make. You should be weary of standing still- small steps are big ideas. Excellence always starts somewhere. “It’s always the gradual steps. “It’s always the little things we do that count” says Dr. Gonye.
You have infinite riches within your reach. To gain them all, you have to do is open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. (Dr. Joseph Murphy).
A magnetized piece of iron will lift about twelve times its own weight, but if you demagnetize this same piece of iron, it will not lift even a feather.

In the same way, there are two types of people. Those who are magnetized are full of confidence and faith. They know they are born to succeed and to win. So many others are demagnetized. They are full of fears and doubts. When an opportunity comes, they say “what if I fail? I might lose my money. People will laugh at me.” People of this sort will not get very far in life. Their fear to go forward makes them simply stay where they are.
You can become a magnetized person when you discover to use the master secret of the ages, "If you win or lose and still go on, then you own something more than success or failure, you keep your own soul!"


  1. Fear does keep us from achieving the success we deserve. I have known many people that given up just as success was within their grasp. I enjoy your blog.

    Robert Zavaleta

  2. Quite inspiring...kindly keep writing.
